creative essays

It’s no use having the best essay in the world, mastering a subject like no other, and writing better than JK Rowling if you don’t understand the basic premise: Writing for the online is different from writing scientific essays or essays for example. The use of creative essays is important here.

  • Many people write on their essays as if they were doing a Course Completion Paper or a Doctoral Thesis. And then you can’t, right?

Obviously, it is enough to think that the reader when searching for a scientific article has academic reasons and is therefore more likely to read something that is not so attractive. Essay writing is not like that.

The way you speak changes not only in relation to your persona, as you need to speak their language, but also thinking that the environment here is different. That is, do not be afraid to do differently because they are in different situations.

An extremely technical essay doesn’t get the reader’s attention, much less lead to the engagement (comments, likes, shares) you want and need for your brand to grow and appear.

A similarity is that online essays also need a beginning, middle and end. But here the introduction gets even more important because the reader needs to feel excited to continue reading right away or they can stop there. And that’s not what you want, right?

Another fundamental factor is that in essays you will not be able to write as if you were writing a book with pages and pages of flowing text, without interruptions and then we enter the next tip: Scanning.

Scanning is queen

creative essays

If an essay is king, in digital media scan is queen. That’s because on the internet people consume essay in a unique way. By the way, this is also a matter of time.

  • You’re not mistaken in thinking that years ago readers were used to processing large blocks of running text in newspapers and magazines. And it is true that many print media do so today, right?
  • But times have changed. Today we get a lot of information at the same time and readers want to filter everything quickly. This is why, on the internet, opting for this older writing model can greatly impair the performance of your essays.

Generally, when visiting an essay, the visitor usually decides within seconds whether the essay they are looking for is on a particular page or not. For this, people quickly scan the eye and choose to continue reading or open other essays. What’s worse is that in that case, the other essay will be that of your competitor.

With that in mind, it is crucial that you use some ‘gimmicks’ to make your text more dynamic. All to facilitate the quick ‘read’ we do when we open a new window, ok?

Bottom line: Thinking about the scannability of your essays essentially means thinking about the user experience, and that’s what matters, isn’t it? Here are ways to achieve this queen scan capability…

  • Use intertitles (H2, H3)
  • Writing Tips: Intertitles
  • Use intertitles

Using subtitles or intertitles, as they are called on the internet, is the first item to create essay thinking about the scannability of an essay.

From them, each new article should be worked into separate parts that make it easier for the reader to understand and interest. So, no running text and confusing, ok?

And let’s be honest, most of the time the reader won’t even read your whole article and it’s thanks to the intertitles that he can go where he really interests him at that moment.

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